Uncertainty and change are inevitable. As a manager, you must prepare to lead your team through cloudy waters. But doing so requires the right mindset. Here are five
ways to shift your perspective:
Ask yourself, “What can I learn?”. You don't need to have all of the answers. When you embrace the discomfort of not knowing everything, you will experience growth and develop a new mindset.
Let go of perfectionism. Instead, look for progress, expect mistakes, and recognize that you can continually course-correct as needed.
One of our favorite challenges we give our clients is to continually ask themselves, "What am I assuming?". Check your assumptions and resist the temptation to oversimplify and come to quick conclusions. Make an effort to understand the complexity of the situation and your own biases.
Seek support. Reach out to peers who have their own set of experiences and perspectives to draw from.
Remember the big picture. Taking a broad, big picture view of the issues will reveal unexamined assumptions you may not be aware of.