Negative feedback invokes a threat response, and the memory of it lingers long after the words are spoken. In contrast, most people dismiss positive feedback, thinking it is not as valuable. But the opposite is true. Positive feedback should be honored as much as negative feedback. These words must stay with you for as long as the negative feedback.
Create a place to keep positive feedback, either on your computer or as a hard copy.
Keep all kudos, including thank-you cards, evaluations, and email comments.
Set time in your calendar to review quarterly and reflect on what you've saved. During these reflections, ask yourself these questions:
What patterns or themes can I identify?
How can I use my strengths in other situations?
What else can I learn about my strengths?
Identify other people to provide you with feedback.
It may feel uncomfortable or immodest to bask in the positive feedback. Instead, consider this: Someone has taken the time to emphasize what you’re good at, so use it.